I guess what disturbs me most about this New York Times cover is that the article is an attempt at comparing the success of Tyra Banks with the likes of Martha Stewart and Oprah. I mean seriously, this is suppose to be an editorial piece that delves into the fact that Tyra Banks might potentially be growing into a media mogul and as such is entering the well-respected realm of her counterparts Oprah and Martha Stewart!
So how in the world am I suppose to begin to see Tyra as something more than a Victoria Secret model when her body has been morphed to resemble a Beyonce doll and her hair is reminiscent of some over exaggerated 1960’s beehive? I don’t get it Tyra! I know you approved this photo, I know you worked with the NYT photographer to develop an artistic theme, I even know that you are still pissed about the National Inquirer photos of you in the swimsuit, but COME ON!
I guess, deep down inside, I wanted you to recognize the importance of this opportunity. This milestone in your career because honestly, how many people get a chance to grace the cover of the New York Times? You did Tyra, and in this very important public moment, I didn’t see you as the next Martha/Oprah icon. In fact, I saw just how far removed you were from both of these phenomenal women.
I feel pretty confident that neither Oprah nor Martha would ever allow a magazine to produce an image of them in this way and I guess that’s one of the reasons they have made it so far. Ladies, lets use every opportunity to break away from stereotypes and stop surrendering to what they say we should be!
Peace –
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