In case you didn't hear about this story (seeing that it failed to make national media), I decided to donate Friday to my sister Mildred Beauburn. Like many of us, Mildred was coming back from a night out with the girls when she and her friends decided to stop at a gas station to fill-up and get drinks. Several men in an SUV pulled up beside the ladies and attempted to get their phone numbers. Disinterested, the women drove off only to be followed by the men. The situation turned violent and ended with one of the men shooting at the car, hitting 18 year old Mildred Beauburn in the back. Right now, this young woman is in the hospital holding on for dear life and these two men are roaming the streets of Orlando.
This story did not make national news and we all know why; class, race, gender??? However, I will not dismiss the importance of what happened to this young woman! Mildred is a victim of senseless violence and it disgusts me to think that these men felt that they had a right to take out their anger in such a horrifying and malicious manner. As they hide in the streets of Orlando, I hope that they succumb to paranoia and guilt. I pray that they see her image sprawled across the nightly news and feel some sense of pain because their actions have not just affected Mildred, but everyone who reads this story and everyone intimately connected to this young woman's life.
Sadly, this incident was nothing more than a pathetic attempt to quell the hurt feelings of a bruised male ego. It is completely tied into the systemic pattern of violence affecting our communities throughout the US and abroad and it should make all of us feel like SCREAMING! Not out of fear but ANGER, anger that Mildred's story is not on CNN, anger that our Black brothers are capable of doing this to us, and anger because we are so sick and tired of being VICTIMIZED IN OUR OWN COMMUNITIES! I hope that you all think a little harder about your own safety and begin to see situations like this as more reason to ACT against all forms of violence, both in your personal and private lives, by getting involved in efforts geared towards preventing such horrendous acts!
Link to the article: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orange/orl-mildred2308may23,0,4112884.story
Link to anti-violence coalitions: http://www.feminist.com/antiviolence/online.html
Peace -
1 comment:
Just an FYI here is an update on this story:
Good evening all, i am a distant relative of Mildred. I just wanted to let you all know that Mildred has moved on to be with the Lord. She was a beutiful girl inside and out and will be truly missed. It is sad when our people commit crimes against each other insead of up lifting each other. Her bithday was this past sunday and she was suppose to graduate from high school this month but all of this was taken from her due to some idiots that found joy in putting fear in others. Please continue to keep her family in your prayers.....
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