Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Revolution Will be Televised...or at least Blogged!

I could not resist adding another post today! There is so much work being done to redefine ideas about the Black body and female identity that I would be ignoring how far we have come if I just talked about the NYT piece. The bottom line is that every post on this blog is a call to action and a call to awareness. I wanted to create this forum so that we (women) could have a positive outlet and a non-threatening space to discuss our issues and to highlight the work that women all over the world are doing in the conscious effort to redefine gender stereotypes and negative assumptions about who we are as a collective group.

Ingrid Mwangi, artist/activist, is at the forefront of this reconceptualization effort! Check out her work below. I also encourage all of you to browse the International Museum of Women's website for more great art! TAKE THAT TYRA!

Peace -


Many contemporary women artists use their body to make a political statement. Artist Ingrid Mwangi is one of them, creating work that is innovative, visually striking and often shocking. She spent the first 15 years of her life in Kenya and has been living in Germany ever since. Through photography, performance, sound, installation and video, she's created a "body of work" that questions both social and political conventions. Mwangi writes: My body is the only thing that I own... I react, interpret and question the clichés and stereotypes with which I am faced... I use art to awaken consciences.

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